Author: Joshua
PowerShell Basics Quick Reference Project
I noticed that I needed to quickly brush up on PowerShell and as a result, I decided to throw together a quick simple quick reference project to better familiarize myself with the PowerShell scripting language used primarily in Windows environments. This quick reference project incorporates:
T-POT – All In One Multi Honeypot Platform
While dabbing in the technical realm of cyber security, I looked for open-source honeypot platforms to experiment with. After discovering a long list of possible options, I decided to deploy an instance of Deutsche Telekom Security’s T-Pot. Utilizing Docker for containerization, T-Pot runs the following honeypots simultaneously on a single host. To make it easy…
Enabling IPv6 on OpenLiteSpeed
With the re-relaunch of this personal website, I thought I would try something different and use the OpenLiteSpeed web server instead of NGINX or Apache. Getting started was easy as my host, DigitalOcean already had a WordPress golden image, that is based on Ubuntu 22.04, available with it. However, IPv6 was enabled by default on…
Intro To Golang Presentation
On September, 17, 2019, I gave a very brief presentation during a tech meetup at Geekdom in San Antonio, TX, titled “A Very Brief Intro to Golang”. It covered the basics of the Go programming language and should be enough to help someone get started programming with it. Attached are the slides from the presentation.
Intro to K8S Helm Presentation
On Thursday, June 13, I gave a brief introduction to Kubernetes Helm presentation at Rackspace‘s San Antonio HQ as part of the monthly Kubernetes San Antonio meetup. At the end I gave a quick demonstration on creating a simple Helm chart that went ok, minis a few technical difficulties. Considering this was the first presentation…
Software Usability Abstract
There are a few useful notes on software usability / Human Computer Interaction (HCI), written on hallway the whiteboards in the Century Link St. Louis office that I feel provide a good summary of the topic. These reminded me of the HCI class I took with Bill White. Elements of User Centered Design Usability: The…
Deploying WordPress with Terraform
Terraform is an open source Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tool developed by HashiCorp and it supports most major public cloud platforms such as AWS, Google Cloud, Azure, DigtialOcean, and so on. What makes Infrastructure as Code special? It enables you to automatically deploy and manage the infrastructure needed to run technology stacks, such as WordPress,…
- IP Packet Header Drawings
Matt Baxter created very descriptive IP packet header drawings in 2008. Unfortunately, his website, which was where he posted them, has been inaccessible for a long time. I was able to recover these copies of the original PDF files up using the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine I uploaded the PDF versions of the drawings here…
Integration Testing Ansible Playbooks with Travis CI and Docker
The process behind performing integration tests on Ansible playbooks is almost exactly the same as the one used to test individual roles. In fact, this tutorial is based on a modified version of Continuous Testing of Ansible Roles with Docker and Travis CI by Ignacio Sánchez Ginés. This tutorial is a demonstration of how I…
Regular Expressions and In-Place Slice Manipulation in Go
Regular expressions are very useful for parsing strings. If you need to replace a substring or split up an array, you should consider using regular expressions. I will admit that I am not an expert in regards to using them, however, I will not dismiss their usefulness. You may find the Regex Cheat Sheet…