Category: Programming
PowerShell Basics Quick Reference Project
I noticed that I needed to quickly brush up on PowerShell and as a result, I decided to throw together a quick simple quick reference project to better familiarize myself with the PowerShell scripting language used primarily in Windows environments. This quick reference project incorporates:
Intro To Golang Presentation
On September, 17, 2019, I gave a very brief presentation during a tech meetup at Geekdom in San Antonio, TX, titled “A Very Brief Intro to Golang”. It covered the basics of the Go programming language and should be enough to help someone get started programming with it. Attached are the slides from the presentation.
Integration Testing Ansible Playbooks with Travis CI and Docker
The process behind performing integration tests on Ansible playbooks is almost exactly the same as the one used to test individual roles. In fact, this tutorial is based on a modified version of Continuous Testing of Ansible Roles with Docker and Travis CI by Ignacio Sánchez Ginés. This tutorial is a demonstration of how I…
Regular Expressions and In-Place Slice Manipulation in Go
Regular expressions are very useful for parsing strings. If you need to replace a substring or split up an array, you should consider using regular expressions. I will admit that I am not an expert in regards to using them, however, I will not dismiss their usefulness. You may find the Regex Cheat Sheet…
Traversing Directories Recursively and Sorting Objects by Attribute Value in Go
Lets say you would like to sort all the files in a directory, as well as its sub directories by an attribute like file size. Approach: First, you need to recursively traverse or walk the specified directory, which is easy in Golang with the filepath.Walk() function from the path/filepath package. In order to use filepath.Walk()…
Installing Infinoted on Debian and Ubuntu
Note: This is an old post from 2016, that was recovered from the database of my old website. Overview: Gobby is a cross-platform collaborative text editor that enables Google Docs style editing. Unlike Etherpad, Gobby is more focused toward editing code with its support for syntax highlighting as demonstrated below. I have used this program…
Using Golang to Generate Custom Cover Letters
Writing a cover letter for every application is quite cumbersome. So why not automate the process? That is why I wrote a simple Go application to help with the process. The logic is quite simple as all you have to do is fill out a templated Latex .tex file and then compile it. If you…